Argentina Telephone Directory

Trace Argentina Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 2025 Argentina Businesses on Pincode S2000. Argentina has a population of 44,688,864 and there are thousands of businesses in Argentina whose numbers are available for Argentina Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Argentina Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 2025 businesses number on pincode S2000 in Argentina.

Cell Number Business Name
+54 810-444-0018 Garbarino Rosario - Alto Rosario Shopping
5493416624525 Selema Muebles
543414515204 Ferreteria Remo Franco SRL
543415598007 ALL IN LED
543414660506 Giro Did�ctico
543414487660 Fr�vega
548004448484 Carrefour Hipermercado
543414628700 Hipermercado Libertad - ROSARIO
543414567579 DA-BA Car - Baterias
5493416546742 Selema Muebles
548004448484 Carrefour Hipermercado
543414804420 Motorcycle sales "Warrior"
543414218900 Giro Did�ctico Rosario
543416927869 Optica MARANI
543413633686 Taller Mecanico CRD
5493412113098 Solarsol S.R.L.
548004448484 Carrefour Hipermercado
543412818837 Ninna Di Farina
+54 810-220-2444 AG Outdoor Design
543414392481 Cotillon Eliezer
543416385252 red tumini
543413079500 Zero Plagas
543414212091 ITR Soluciones Informaticas
Cell Number Business Name
543412251111 Ambos Guernica Argentina
543414254913 COTO
543414357060 Coto
543414391378 Farmacia Bonetto Perfumeria
543414219749 Cocot Briz
543414261283 SQL Amoblamientos Rosario
543414475696 Polo Club
543414261276 SBS International Bookstore
543416010162 Kiosco L'Edicola � Colecciones � Diarios � Revistas y m�s
543414361810 Balanzas Vesta
543414516300 Aeropuerto Internacional de Rosario Islas Malvinas
543414201200 National University of Rosario: Government Headquarters
543414721427 School No. 55, Sarmiento
543414637147 Escuela La Argentina Nro 1032
543414728621 School No. 96 Florentino Ameghino
543414721448 E.E.M.P.A. N� 1168 "Bicentenario de la Patria"
543414499292 UCEL - University of the Latin American Educational Center
543414497626 IGA Culinary Institute of the Americas
543414408010 Universidad Abierta Interamericana - Sede Roca
543414356510 Universidad Abierta Interamericana
543414728400 UAI Universidad Abierta Interamericana
543414851894 Spanish school in Rosario
+54 4254422 La Casa del Mas Campe�n
543414215221 Colegio Parque de Espa�a
543414729687 Anastasio Escudero N� 799



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Argentina like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Argentina Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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