Argentina Telephone Directory

Trace Argentina Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 191 Argentina Businesses on Pincode B7150. Argentina has a population of 44,688,864 and there are thousands of businesses in Argentina whose numbers are available for Argentina Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Argentina Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 191 businesses number on pincode B7150 in Argentina.

Cell Number Business Name
542296452300 Plaza Hotel
542215369618 Veterinaria LA TABA
542296452387 Hospital Municipal
542296453134 Casa Olarte
542296451560 Centro De Adultos N�702/01
542296453190 Escuela De Educaci�n Primaria N�6 "Hipolito Yrigoyen"
542494551809 SintelNet Internet por Fibra �ptica
542296454797 Escuela De Educaci�n Primaria N�3 "Juan Bautista Alberdi"
542494588186 Almacen Langueyu Cuartel 13 Ayacucho Buenos Aires
542296451297 Zudaire Roberto F
542296451910 1986 DEPORTES
542296452737 P�rez Maquinarias SRL
542296452673 Escuela De Educaci�n Primaria N�4 "Ricardo Palma"
+54 810-666-4444 Banco de la Naci�n Argentina
+54 2296 45-4072 Suma Cr�ditos Ayacucho
+54 2296 45-1414 Elebar
+54 810-999-2347 AFIP - Receptor�a Ayacucho
+54 800-777-2627 Cobro Express
+54 2296 45-4743 Favacard
+54 2296 45-2846 Correo Argentino - Sucursal Ayacucho
+54 2296 45-9003 Municipality of Ayacucho
+54 2296 45-2006 Rodolfo Cordonnier y Cia
+54 2296 45-2332 Diario La Verdad
+54 2296 45-1333 UATRE-OSPRERA
Cell Number Business Name
+54 2296 45-1776 RIPSA-FAVA AYACUCHO
+54 2296 45-2068 Mercantil andina Seguros
+54 2296 45-1440 INTA
+54 2296 45-3432 Lions Club
+54 249 402-8865 Estaci�n de Servicios Shell
+54 800-999-2272 ABSA | Centro de Atenci�n
+54 2223 47-9153 Fishing Club Ayacucho
+54 2296 45-2387 Hospital Municipal
+54 2296 45-2300 Plaza Hotel
+54 2296 45-1352 Etcheverry Negocios Inmobiliarios
+54 2296 45-3171 fm95.3 Ayacucho
+54 2296 45-2401 Bomberos Voluntarios Ayacucho
+54 2296 45-3209 Centro Vasco Euskal Odola
+54 299 416-0077 Modas Antony
+54 249 427-2049 Martiarena Vinoteca
+54 249 431-0903 La 95 FM
+54 2296 40-6826 Local 26
+54 2296 45-9012 Biblioteca Publica Municipal Manuel Vilardaga
+54 2296 45-3144 Mitad Y Mitad
+54 2296 45-3113 Electro Luimar
+54 2296 45-2020 Hotel Costa Azul
+54 2296 45-3221 Alondra
+54 2296 45-4444 Remis Ayacucho
+54 2296 45-2756 Fiesta Nacional del Ternero y D�a de la Yerra



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Argentina like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Argentina Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

  • Time Taken = 1.2553